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BOSS is an abbreviation for Better Oblivion Sorting Software.
It is worth mentioning BOSS because it still might work well with mods from 2016 and before.
Keep in mind that BOSS is no longer supported by its developers, so it might not work perfectly well with the most recent Skyrim mods. If you want a more updated and reliable version, use LOOT, which is developed by the same team.
Attention! Choose only one tool to manage the load order of your mods, to avoid errors.
You will be redirected to the download site.
Tutorials and Guides
Follow the instructions within the tutorials and guides below and watch the videos if you wish some more detailed help or advice on how to install and correctly use the program.
BOSS : Installation
by GamerPoets
Wiki & Forum
Mod Organizer : Installing BOSS
by GamerPoets
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