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Mod Organizer is an advanced program to manage your mods. It has many functions and tools and, like NMM, you can also integrate applications (i.e LOOT and TES5Edit) within it.
It is released under the GNU General Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). For developers, the source code can be accessed at SourceForge.
Developer: Tannin.
Once you get used with Mod Organizer, your mods management will become much more practical.
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Tutorials and Guides
Follow the instructions within the tutorials and guides below and watch the videos if you wish some more detailed help or advice on how to install and correctly use the program.
Mod Organizer - A Beginner's Guide
by Death Neko
Mod Organizer - An advanced Guide
by Death Neko
Gaming X-Plained - #1: Skyrim Mod Organizer X-Plained
by Bridger
Mod Organizer #1 - Installation and Initial Setup
by Gopher
Mod Organizer #2 - Installing Basic Mods
by Gopher
Wiki & Forum
Mod Organizer #3 - Updating and Merging Mods
by Gopher
Mod Organizer #4 - Installing Scripted FOMODs, SKSE and SkyUI
by Gopher
Mod Organizer #5 - Profiles
by Gopher
Mod Organizer #6 - Beyond Nexus Mod Manager
by Gopher
Mod Organizer #10 - Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS
by Gopher
Mod Organizer #9 - Steam Workshop
by Gopher
Mod Organizer #8 - Conflicts and Priorities
by Gopher
Mod Organizer #7 - Third Party Programs & SkyRe ReProccer
by Gopher
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